Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What to avoid...

My nerdy boyfriend likes to inform me daily of the dictionary.com "Word of the Day". I usually try to sound interested and excited, but most of the time it's really hard....love ya babe :) However, today it paid off! 

Today's "Word of the Day" is BEDAUB! 

To overdecorate; to ornament showily or excessively.

Obviously, this is something that should be avoided when designing a space. Before selecting furniture or accessories for a room, you should always ask yourself:
  1. Is it necessary?
  2. Does it go with the current scheme? Just because it's nice doesnt mean it fits. 
  3. Will it complement the other items in your room, or will it overcrowd and clutter the space? 
  4. Is there an appropriate spot to put it? Even the best pieces can look awkward if not placed properly.
Simplicity is a key concept that every modern designer should keep in mind, so don't forget the cliche that "less is more", and listen to your nerdy boyfriends.

While this may not seem minimalist due to the abundance of
throw pillows, the lack of furniture and accessories otherwise
balances the space out accordingly. 

Often the key to success with minimalist designs
 is to work with a bold statement piece, and allow
it to be the sole focal point.  

Minimalism is the main concept behind any modern design. 

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